'要用到regtool.ocx,请下载//www.jb51.net/jslib/regtool.ocx,用前请regsvr32 regtool.ocx
set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set registry = CreateObject("regtool.tob")
set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
set allkeys = registry.RegEnum("HKCR\")
for each key in allkeys
pos = Instr(2, key, ".")
if pos>0 then
'there's a dot. Is there another one?
pos2 = Instr(pos+1, key, ".")
if pos2>0 then
'yes, so this name is version specific
'check whether we already have a
'version-independent progid!
independent = left(key, pos2-1)
if not dict.Exists(independent) then
'no, store it
dict.Add key, 0
end if
'this one is version-independent.
'do we already have a version-dependent
'progID in store?
vdpid = ""
for each element in dict
if len(element)>len(key) then
if left(element, len(key)+1)=key & "." then
'yes, return name
vdpid = element
exit for
end if
end if
'any version dependent progID found?
if vdpid="" then
'no, add to store
dict.add key, 0
'yes, replace
dict.Remove vdpid
dict.add key, 0
end if
end if
end if
MsgBox dict.Count & " Objects found!"
for each key in dict
list = list & key & vbCrlf
MsgBox list
outputfile = "C:\OBJECT.TXT"
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set output = fs.CreateTextFile(outputfile, true)
print dict.Count & " Objects found!"
Print list
wshshell.run outputfile
sub Print(text)
output.WriteLine text
end sub
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